
“When you are born, your passion is placed in the heart”. J. Gibran

Every day I talk to many different people, one of the things that they come with is that they are not happy with what they do, with what they studied for or they have a job that they don´t like, they yearn to be making something different. I was included in that list a long ago and I know what it feels to be in those shoes.

In one of my programs I help people to uncover their true passion and I want to share with you some thoughts about it.

Have it happened to you that you have a great job or a succesful business but you do not feel totally fulfilled? Do you have the feeling that something is missing in your life but you really do not know what it is? Have you had several jobs or businesses and you still do not feel fulfilled? Have you thought that changing your job or business your life would be different? If you answered yes to one or more of this questions, I have to tell you that you have not uncovered your true passion in life.

Keep in mind that your are in this world for one reason, you got here at the right moment and place, you are an important piece in the vastness of the universe. You will find your passion where you feel more inspired, when you are inspired you are living purposefully. Have you thought what is that make you forget time, tiredness, your problems? What is what you enjoy the most?

First, you need courage to confront yourself and uncover what really makes you feel happy, second, serve the world with that passion you were gifted with  in the form of a talent. Music is playing inside of you, you need to play that music to the world so you can live your true purpose. Whatever your passion is trust you can make a living of it and that it is going to serve many people and make a difference in their lives.

One of the biggest obstacles to take action according you your passions is fear, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of what other people will say, but ask yourself and answer with brutal honesty: What is the worst thing that can happen?  To fulfill your mission it is imperative that you take risks and pursue your dreams.

If you have expended your life doing what others have told you to do and that is not what you are passionated about,  your “wise voice” will make sure you notice it. If you want to keep ignoring that “wise voice”, every time it will want to grab your attention with higher intensity in the form of  an illness, a depression, getting fired, a divorce or with an accident, so you can surrender to your purpose.

Fulfilling our mision makes us feel connected with our higher self. When you do not do it, you feel frustrated because internally you know that you are out of touch with your purpose, nevertheless you ignore it and do not take action, because your rational side does not act with courage to do what your intuitive side knows you must do to realize your destiny.

If you betray your purpose you betray yourself, do not betray yourslef, listen your intuition. You are wise and know what you need to be fulfilled and happy with the certainty that you are realizing your destiny, if you do not do it, you never will feel true peace and never be totally happy.

“You just live once, so make sure  your life is worthy to live”

“What a man can be, must be”. Abraham Maslow

Live Passionate!!!!!

Sandra Peniche