
The new year is here, day 5, I am still a little on vacations mode, the kids will go back to school next week, so I have one more week to sleep late. To be honest with you, during winter I hate to wake up early, cold weather is not my thing, although Mexico is not a very cold, for me 10ºC is too much.

I am so excited with this year, I know there are many good thing coming in its way. There has been 2 years of sowing, going inward to take out my gifts and share them with the world.

I had played small in the past, I was not consistent with all my actions towards my business, why? Because perfectionism, I was thinking that my work was never finished, never enough, never really good, so I stopped for a while, and then take it back again, I did that during more than 2 years,  until I realized that it was lack of consistency, lack of trust in myself, lack of confidence to show my work to the world. But today, I am so happy to trust my gut, my intuition, let go perfection, and just be myself sharing what I know will be helpful for many great women around the world.

The plan for my business this year goes from my 13 week career transformation online program to a 7 days retreat in the heart of the Mayan Mystique World on the beautiful caribbean beaches, doesn´t it sound terrific?

You know something? You already know everything you need to know, you just have to be willing to open your heart and let the divine power, God, your inner self o whatever you call it, channel all that knowledge through you to help others.

This is the time to start, this is the time to shine and let all your gifts emerge to help others. I do not know what you do, but if you are reading this is because you are looking in someway to start o boost a career doing what you love, what you are talented for.

January is always a month where most people have huge new year´s resolutions, but around march we forget about most of them. Don´t  be part of the statistics, if one of your resolutions is to create a thriving and fulfilling career please do not forget about it. This is the time, there´s no other moment than now to take the decision to make it happen and take inspired action.

I know it can be scaring, but is worth the risk, because once you start convinced that it is what you really love to do and create wealth with it, nothing can stop you, I promise it to you. But you need to trust yourself and your message. That´s the most important part. All the rest can be found out.

So, the recipe to make your New Year´s Resolutions Easy, it one: Just do it. Dare to take action today, now and do not stop until you have succeeded. Make an action plan for day, week, month and quarter. It will make things simpler and easier for you. And do not forget to celebrate your accomplishments.

Take advantage of the energy that January brings to the world and make it yours to make your dreams come true.

Live with Joy!!!
