

Throughout life, as human beings we live all kind of experiences, some of them empower you and other take out surprisingly your power (because we allow it happens)

Maybe you know someone or yourself have lived the darkness of losing your inner power and you identity. From being a confident women, with countless successes to someone that does not feel capable to achieve anything, this is an experience that many smart woman live along their lives.

Some time ago I was talking to an extraordinary woman, she told me that used to be a very successful Art Director in several international ad agencies, she lived alone, owned a nice apartment, maked good money and one day she decided to get married and have children, in that moment she left behind a whole professional life with all the privileges and responsabilities involved. 13 years after she feels empty, depressed and she is sick of the control her husband has over her becuase he pays the bills. She has lost her inner power.

I know a brilliant woman, with extraordinary abilities to connect with people, she is the kind of person that can sell sand in the desert, she have had great jobs, succesful businesses and every time that all goes well, at the end loses everything and has to start over again. Every time that has to start is more difficult for her, this last time is totally paralized, she has not been able to take action to solve her situation. The true is that she has lost her inner power.

I can keep talking of many cases as these, because certainly there are more than we can imagine, nevertheless today I want dive deeper of the loss of inner power and give you some suggestions to rescue your power so you can create the life you want and deserve.

Realizing your greatness and truly believe in yourself and  that you are capable to manifest everything you want empowers you. Things that you do not like can be happening, but only you have the power to allow that that affects you or not, the problem is not what happens, but what you do with what happens.

The creative spirit live within you, you are one with him, for that reason you already know what you need, you just need to connect back with your inner guidance to take the best decisions and take inspired actions accordingly.

You lose your power because you give to much power to the external circumstances, when the reality is that the whole is contained within you. Happiness comes from the inside out, so the manifestation of anything does.

These are some practical tips to rescue your power and start living the life you want:


Write a wide & deep list of all your past victories

Gratuate from college, win a contest, finishing a course, learn a new abilitiy, get a job, finish a project, have a soul mate, have a children, get something you truly wish, etc.

Anything that when you remember it makes you feel fine


Make a list of the emotions that paralize you and reflect about their root.

Many times we are unconscious of how some emotions paralize us: fear, anger, abandonment, rejection, jealousy, invalidation, etc. it is important you name it and that deeply reflect from your childhood –if this is possible- about  what triggers that emotion that is repeating over and over again and realize how the persons that trigger those feelings are your teachers, feel totally greatful for what you have learned from them. Find opposite positive thoughts with which you will substitute those old toxic emotions. This part of the equation is very important to rescue your power, nobody has done anything to you, everything you have experience is for your evolution, the universe sends you circumstances so you live them over and over again until you learn the lesson –no exception-


Make an action plan to pursue what you want and move your butt.

If you have lost your power, for sure you have been procrastinating your actions to achieve your goals, because you are waiting to feel better, or the right moment, or the God signal, or I do not know, whatever, anything is a good excuse for not taking action.

Let me tell you that I have been there, it is not a tale that someone has told me, the best way to rescue your power is to shake the dust off your shoulder and take massive action to pursue your dreams. When you take action a positive energy effect is generated that is going to infect you more and more and your enthusiasm will emerge without you noticing it. Do not wait, start today, right now, take that step you have been avoiding, if you do not do it, I promise you that you will not overcome that paralizing emotional state that in the long term will bring you more problems than the ones you think you already have.

Keep in mind that the power of God lives within you and you have it all to live the purpose of life –your life- so you will live how you always have dreamed!!! Only trust.

Share some love and leave your comments below, I am sure that will be very helpful for someone.

Live with Passion!!!

Sandra Peniche