A Magic Journey for your Creative Spirit


Are you too busy to take months of your life on a “how to program” to find the right strategies to grow your business?

Do you thrive in an intimate atmosphere where the focus is totally on you and your business?

Do you fear that your dream of growing your own business stays forever in a “wish” , that the years go on and you lose the opportunity to give your gifts to the world and become who you´ve born to be?

Then you might be an ideal candidate for my powerful 2-days VIP Immersion Retreat in the beautiful Mayan Riviera or Cancun, Mexico.

Imagine shorting the time -months or even years- of learning curve, procrastination, fear, self-doubt.

How would it feel like to take a quantum leap in your business?

My Vip Immersion Retreat will save you months of coaching in 2 full days where you co-create your custom, targeted success plan and map out each step and stage to grow the thriving business you´ve always dreamed, in a perfect harmony with your essence, desires and gifts.

You´ll have the opportunity to dig deep inside your heart, soul & mind to connect with your true passions, desires & gifts and release limiting beliefs, blocks and toxic emotions that keep you from creating the business you desire.

One of my biggest strenghts is helping passionate women entrepreneurs like you connect with your true desires + gifts and transform them into the thriving business  of your dreams with clarity and confidence.

For that reason I personally invite you to spend 2 full days with me to transform your emerging business in a success with a strong confidence.

You can rewrite your story and create a succesful business.

During this 2 full immersion days you will:

–       Have crystal clear what´s your true passions & deepest desires + gifts, the essense, purpose and goals of your business and make a connection between all of them to blend them harmoniously to serve your ideal customers.

–       Clear & release blocks, toxic emotions and limiting beliefs that keep you from getting your goals

–       Evolve your mindset to be your biggest ally & bring out your true power

–       Define the form & structure of your business

–       Create profitable offerings

–       Custom your marketing

–       Map out your business strategies

–       Create your targeted success plan

Complete the form below to apply for this program. Once this form is submitted you will be contacted to set up a telephone/Skype conversation with Sandra to discuss the details of the program.

If you have any questions please contact customerservice@sandrapeniche.com


VIP Immersion Retreat Form

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